Annadaan - Vishu Dinner

Vishu Dinner & Entertainment Program by under-privileged children Sunday, 15th April, 2012
I am positive all kids, staff and invitees went home very happy, after the Vishu Celebrations
at our Samaj. The children put up some heart-warming performances. The dinner was too good;
everyone appreciated the same. The staff of various institutions, too, were delighted that their
selfless contributions had been recognized by the Samaj.
Kudos to each one in the Samaj for encouraging such events. This is a genuine way to reach out
and bring a smile on the face of the under-privileged.
Our Samaj shall always be regarded as perhaps the only NGO that supports and assists so
many other NGOs.
For the record, we had around 200 kids from MHM, ACH, Sharan, DBM, Nasrugi and around 30 staff
members. The invitees, too, felt reassured that we, at the Samaj, are doing our best for these
under-privileged kids. It was nice to also see some new faces, amongst the Samaj members,
besides the regulars.